I grew up in the countryside where it usually snowed till May. As a child, I was an avid skier,
skater, climed every tree I could find & one of those winters I built the Discovery (from Space
Odyssey) in my parent's backyard (I cannot remember the scale ;-)
I despised high-school and dropped out in order to become a sci-fi author; although I managed to write a novel titled "Arkadia - the youngest dynasty" my publishing career went largely undistinguished ;-)
At university I started out studying economics, but quickly decided to switch to Software Development, since I had no intention spending the rest of my days faking statistics to the glory of my bosses.
After training in C++, Java, and the usual CS subjects for a while, I discovered the emerging power of the browser platform for algorithmic work, its ease of deployment and endless scaling potential; so I decided to build my future career on those technologies.
I realized I needed more theoretical background in Machine Learning & algorithms to fulfill my dreams, so i joined a research group, wrote papers on anonymization & gave talks at conferences for a while.
Currently I am in the process of founding iNodis, a startup offering context-aware, client-side, graph-based recommendations as a service.
If I haven't put you to sleep already, you might be interested in checking out my (formal)